Saturday, April 7, 2012

so many thoughts.

thought 1:
i finished student teaching yesterday.
i definitely cried, a lot, throughout the day.
i will miss my little kindergarteners.
they were my first class i was with (almost) a whole year.
and the first class i taught solo for a few months (and got paid!).
but gosh am i excited to finish up my credential and have some free time!

thought 2:
it's time to get serious about blogging.
i think.
but i want to get a custom blog design.
and i want to buy a camera.
(i lost mine on a really wonderful embarrassing first date story that i should tell sometime!)
i feel like these two items are crucial for a successful blog.
and will increase my motivation exponentially.
i really just wanted to say exponentially there.
but seriously.

thought 3:
last weekend my brother brian, his wife mary, and the kiddos came to visit.
the kiddos included my new niece kayley.
could she be any cuter?!?!? i'm in love.

thought 4:
yesterday was good friday.
and tomorrow is easter.
it's a big weekend for us christians.
actually, i think it's a big weekend for everyone, some people just don't know it yet.
here are my sister-in-law and i at our church easter picnic/egg hunt last weekend.
it is also the weekend of my favorite meal of the year:
easter dinner.
i'm completely serious.
i. can't. wait.

thought 5:
it is so time for me to go see the hunger games again.

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