Thursday, April 26, 2012

interviews and unknowns

i had an interview today.
possibly the first of many.
and i hated it.

it didn't go badly.
it actually went really well i think.
but i just hate interviews.
that feeling like you have to prove yourself by your words.
it's terrible.
(i think my hormones are a mess today because i kind of want to cry while i'm writing this 
and there is NO good reason for that!)
the thing is, i know i'm a good teacher.
i am so grateful that i've finally found a career that comes so naturally to me.
my work speaks for itself.
so i'd much rather prove myself by my actions.

words are fickle.
and throw in pressure and nerves and it's just not fun!

i have some big decisions ahead of me.
the job market is not good for teachers right now.

but i do have possibilities.
 and each possibility has it's own set of positives and negatives.
none of them are "perfect".
so the reality is something is probably gonna have to give...
i'm just not sure what that will be yet. 
and i have a feeling the decision will have to be made before i have all the facts.


God please help me trust in Your plan and seek Your will first.

 Katie Virginia

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