Wednesday, April 18, 2012

2.5 more days

I have two and a half days before i am completely done with the work for my teaching credential.
(celebration dance)
this means two things.

1. i am going to have a LOT more time to focus on this here blog very soon!
(also read as, i don't have a lot of time for the next 2.5 days so please excuse the lapse in blog quality!)

2. i am in over my head busy and bored for the next two days,
while sitting in this chair, at this table, right here:

(yes, that is my stuffed bear/personal assistant in the background. judge me.)

everything i have left is basically busy work. 
papers upon papers upon papers.
i hate busy work.
i sort of want to tear my hair out when i'm doing busy work.
but you don't really want to hear me whining do you?
i'll stop now.
on an unrelated note,
did you notice my new blog design by the wonderful kim at 733 design?
i'm kinda loving it!

Katie Virginia


Andrea D said...

I love that quote (it's just what I needed to hear today!)...and I love your personal assistant bear, too (must get me one of those).
Best of luck finishing up your teaching creds!! :) That's a major accomplishment.

Left brain, right brain, pug brain.

katie virginia said...

It's a great quote! And good for all of us to remember! Life is definitely a process... You should get a personal assistant bear! He's great. He gives me someone to talk to when I start going stir crazy! ;) And thank you!

jessica said...

yayyy! Congratulations! I am so excited for you! When I return to the US, I will be going back to school to get my teaching credentials. One day, I hope to be in your shoes :)

enjoy and celebrate!
