Saturday, September 25, 2010

ohhhh anne.

so the pioneer woman, a close personal friend of mine, gave me a few tips on blogging.

actually i've never met her, i'm just an overly obsessive fan, but she did post some blogging tips. and one of the big points was to blog often, whether you have anything to say or not.

i definitely don't blog often. but maybe i'll work on it! no promises though.

however, i DO have something exciting coming up.

i'm turning 25 on friday. that is not the exciting part. i dislike birthdays. actually, i like birthdays in theory. but in reality, i tend to be disappointed on my birthdays, which leads me to dislike them. particularly this one, 25, because i feel old. and single. and nowhere near the married with children i desire. but that's another post for another day! :)

so, for this birthday, my mom and i are taking a trip.

a trip to prince edward island!!!

now i adore anne of green gables. i have often wanted to be anne of green gables. that first kiss on the bridge between anne and gilbert at the end of anne of avonlea after they talk about marble floors and sunbursts...

(sigh). enough said.

so between being an anne fan, and also a fall fan (fall on prince edward island is supposed to be gorgeous), i am extremely excited for a girls getaway/birthday trip on the island!

3 days an counting...

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