Thursday, April 19, 2012

a few of my favorite things

so i'm participating in the send something good project!
organized by the lovely gentrikaitlyn, and kristy.
basically, everyone got assigned a random blogger who we are going to 'send something good'.
and someone will send me something good!
how fun, right?!
new friends,
plus a package in the mail!
win win.

today we're doing a little link up to see who's participating,
and also to give our 'secret sender' a little more information.
so without further ado and in no particular order,
these are a few of my favorite things:
(cue music) 
well, ten things to be exact.

1. reading
2. jewelry
3. sweet tea
4. all things travel related
5. tea cups
6. country music
7. that feeling you get when you're surrounded by nature in a wide open space
8. instant cameras
9. all things vintage
10. scarfs
Katie Virginia


Unknown said...

from one katie to another....i know Exactly the feeling you mean in a wide open nature space. when everything seems so much ...Bigger than me...i am in awe!

Unknown said...

tea cups are such treasures! my grandmother just gave me her rose dish set (there's a name for it but i don't know what it is. the dishes all have roses on them) and i adore the tea cups. treasures i tell you! with secrets and histories etched in their porcelain.

glad to have you participating in Send Something Good! Talk to you soon!

Gentri said...

Oh, I SO agree with #7! Love just being in nature, far away from the rest of the world. :)

Sarah said...

Thats how I feel when Im on the farm. Its an indescribable feeling but its so great.

Great blog.

Unknown said...

oh tea cups! I have been collecting all the tea cups I can find in little shops.


Terri said...

I feel like we may be the same person.... travel? sweet tea? mugs? country music? vintage? instant cameras? THESE ARE ALL THINGS I LOVE. (Sorry for the should not drink coffee with dinner)

New follower, thanks to Send Something Good!

Donaville said...

My heart is aching for an instant-camera. I had a polaroid in high school but burned through the film too quickly.

And as a lover of nature I love your #7 :)