Monday, February 6, 2012


i think i have a wanderlust gene.

i think about travel, a lot.
i research travel plans, a lot.
i dream and dream and dream about moving to europe.
sometimes i think paris.
sometimes spain.
sometimes austria or prague.
often italy.

because i am italian.
no a quarter.
i don't know i get confused.
but i am. though i look about the opposite of it.

that's beside the point though.
i want to live in europe for a year so badly.
i will eventually. i know i will.

here's the problem:

my nephews.
they are 2 and 3.
and i have a niece on the way.

i love them more than i thought possible.
i LOVE being an important person in their lives.
so how do i up and leave for a year?!?
i just honestly don't know if i could.
what if they forgot about me? :(

so in the meantime...
i am planning a europe trip wth my friend.
hopefully in april.
and TODAY we find out if he got the time off work approved.

please please please let him get the time off approved.

1 comment:

Nicole Marie said...

that's one of the biggest reasons i didn't move to spain sooner. and am still having a hard time being so far away. i don't want my little brothers to forget about me. but really there's no way they'll forget and they love the toys i send home for them and skyping! they love skyping!