Friday, January 1, 2010

goodbye 2009. hello 2010.

the last year has been a big one for me.

the main events being that i moved into my own studio and i found a job that i love. but more then those, i think i'm a bit more comfortable in my own skin. i've learned to better accept the fact that life is messy. and whether i like something or not, it is what it is. i can't control every detail, but i can control what i do with what is.

this year has definitely had a lot of ups and down, they all do really. but i'm doing the best i can. and i'm getting better all the time. and i'm happy. and that's a lot, really.

i'm so thankful for my family who truly is my strength every day.
and my friends who love me completely just as i am.
and my God. above all my God,
who's unfailing love and forgiveness continue to humble me daily.

we get one chance to make the most of what we've been given. i always want to make sure i'm doing that.

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