Monday, July 20, 2009


i've decided i need to keep a little notebook with me at work to write down weird things that happen to me. probably 4 or 5 times yesterday things happened while working that i remember thinking i should write about in my blog. but i can never remember! (those of you that know me know my life is a series of weird occurrences.)

i have begun bringing back my high school spanish skills, which were subpar to begin with, when flying to mcallen/mexico. pretty sure half of what i say is nonsense. i get a lot of weird looks. it's sort of a combination of spangish and spanish with terrible grammar and some made up words. i need rosetta...

lets see, what's been going on in my life lately. still enjoy my job. still don't enjoy the drive to/from work. ultimately i would like to move to marina del rey, venice, or santa monica to be closer to work. but right now i'm in a lease so it probably won't happen till february.

my cousin john and his fiance kala are getting married soon. i am excited because i finally have an excuse to buy a new dress! i am excited for them as well of course.

and did you SEE harry potter?!??? i love him.

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