Thursday, January 14, 2010

a girl for all states.

i don't talk about my job a lot because, well i work a lot. so it seems boring to me. but lately i noticed a pattern that made me laugh.

people always want to claim me as one of their own!

what i mean is, when my passengers are from iowa, they tell me i MUST be an iowa girl cuz i'm just so sweet there's no way i could be from los angeles. then when they are from montana, i MUST be a montana girl. as far as i can remember, this has happened for washington, montana, iowa, arkansas, colorado, texas, and probably more.

and they never believe me when i say i'm from los angeles. born and raised! i guess we really have a bad rep here in LA. silly!

but i love my passengers! especially my montana passengers. i'll be a montana girl any day! ♥

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